President’s Message

I welcome you to the BCIE community and invite you to engage with us on our mission that is all about helping the people anywhere in USA or abroad and specially the Bangladeshi Community of the Inland Empire. I deeply appreciate our members and donors who truly care for this organization and its path moving forward. I am also grateful to the members of our community for the confidence they have shown in me with my position as the president of this organization.  


BCIE has always been the volunteer organization you can count on. Our members are always ready to serve their community. Whether the time is sustainable or tough to deal with, dedication and leadership skills of our talented volunteers fascinate our community members.  BCIE continues to find the best ways of bringing people and resources together to meet immediate needs and find long-term solutions to the challenges our community faces after any disaster in the USA or aboard. The changes around us whether social, economic or cultural we help our community members to navigate through the new and increasingly complex issues in this diversified society of the United States of America.  


Thank you again for your support, partnership, and friendship over the years. I remain grateful, humbled, and inspired.


Manzur Ahmed

Bangladeshi Community of Inland Empire ( BCIE )